
哈利波特瘋魔全球. 相信個結局好多人都知道.

不過今次就有一本奇幻的續集出現, 不過作者就不是JK羅琳,而是一個AI作者.

今次書名為<<哈利·波特與看起來像一大堆灰燼的肖像>>(Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash)

Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash

Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash

今次AI是由Botnik Studios推出,

之後再推演出一本新的續集. 不過當中的情節就比較古怪. 例如: 城堡的地面咆哮著一陣神奇的放大風(castle ground growling burst of magical enlarged wind.),
榮恩變成一大堆蜘蛛,嘗試吃掉妙麗父母。 (when ron began to frantically tap into a pile of spiders and trying to eat hermione parents….)