OLO智能手機3D Printer正式在Kickstart集資


小編在一星期之前已經報導過的OLO 智能手機3D Printer

現在已經正式在kickstarter 集貨

在kickstart 出現有更多詳細的資料披露了.

OLO 3D Printer用4粒AA電去推動(當然smartphone 要另外插電), 可打印尺寸為: 76*128*52MM

最大可放進5.8寸 的手機. 預計發貨時間為今年九月.

以下為kickstarter OLO 技術細節:

01. Breakthrough 3D print technology: patent pending.
02. Beautiful design: elegant and seamless.
03. Cloud-based software: super-easy to access.
04. Target: absolute beginners to 3D experts.
05. X-Y resolution: up to 0.042 mm (quality dep. on device)
06. Z resolution: up to 0.036 mm (0.12 mm in quick-mode)
07. Easy: to clean, to empty, to learn, to play.
08. Portable + Ultra-light: fits easily in your bag.
09. Auto leveling: no more manual leveling or calibration.
10. No noise: the quietest 3D printer ever.
11. Autonomous: the first battery operated 3D printer.
12. Maintenance: long-lasting actuators, no lubrication needed.
13. Unibody: made of simple and durable technopolymers.
14. Resins: daylight photopolymers in 4 materials and 5 colors.
15. Print bed: flexible film for highly optimized object removal.
16. Engineered: assembled and supported in the US.
17. Tablet: suitable for tablets and flat PCs (dep. on device)
18. Colors: Shadow-gray (limited edition for all KS supporters)
Scarlet-red, Sapphire-blue, Alu-silver when in production.




